authors |
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title |
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2017 |
Algorithmic differentiation | |
Blommaert M. et al. |
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Implementation of a consistent fluid-neutral model in SOLPS-ITER and benchmark with EIRENE |
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2018 |
Advanced Fluid Neutral Models | |
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2019 |
Spatial Hybridization | |
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Plasma and Fusion Research 11, 1403102 |
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2022 |
Fundamental papers | |
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SOLEdge | |
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2018 |
Algorithmic differentiation | |
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Optimization-based automated design methods | |
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2019 |
Advanced Fluid Neutral Models | |
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Micro-Macro | |
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2014 |
Optimization-based automated design methods | |
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Preparation of erosion and deposition investigations on plasma facing components in Wendelstein 7-X |
Physica scripta 2017(T170), 014010 |
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2017 |
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Di Genova S. et al. |
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2021 |
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Effenberg F. et al. |
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Numerical investigation of plasma edge transport and limiter heat fluxes in Wendelstein 7-X startup plasmas with EMC3-EIRENE |
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2017 |
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Nuclear Materials and Energy 18, 62 |
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2019 |
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First efforts in numerical modeling of tungsten migration in WEST with SolEdge2D-EIRENE and ERO2.0 |
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2020 |
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Grid resolution study for B2-EIRENE simulation of partially detached ITER divertor plasma |
Nuclear Fusion 59, 026001 |
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2018 |
Grid resolution studies | |
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Accuracy and convergence of coupled finite-volume/Monte Carlo codes for plasma edge simulations of nuclear fusion reactors |
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2016 |
Grid resolution studies | |
Gonzalez J. et al. |
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Comparison between SOLPS-ITER and B2.5-Eunomia for simulating Magnum-PSI |
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2022 |
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EDGE2D | |
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2022 |
Collisional Radiative Models | |
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2021 |
Collisional Radiative Models | |
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2021 |
Spatial Hybridization | |
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A hybrid fluid-kinetic neutral model based on a micro-macro decomposition in the SOLPS-ITER plasma edge code suite |
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N.Horsten et al 2020 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 60 e201900132 |
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Micro-Macro | |
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Development and assessment of 2D fluid neutral models that include atomic databases and a microscopic reflection model |
Nuclear Fusion 57, 116043 |
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2017 |
Advanced Fluid Neutral Models | |
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A hybrid fluid-kinetic model for hydrogenic atoms in the plasma edge of tokamaks based on a micro-macro decomposition of the kinetic equation |
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2020 |
Micro-Macro | |
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EDGE2D | |
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2021 |
EDGE2D | |
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2022 |
E-TASC | |
Maeenpaeae R. et al. |
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2022 |
EDGE2D | |
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Journal of Computational Physics 450, 110736 |
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Kinetic-diffusion Monte Carlo scheme | |
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B.Mortier et al 2020 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 60 e201900134 |
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Kinetic-diffusion Monte Carlo scheme | |
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Collisional Radiative Models | |
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EDGE2D | |
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Predicting tungsten erosion and leakage properties for the new V-shaped small angle slot divertor in DIII-D |
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2019 |
Spatial Hybridization | |
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Advanced Fluid Neutral Models | |
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2018 |
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2018 |
EMC3 | |